Employment Law

We have a reputation for providing clear advice to both employers and employees so that they know their respective rights and can work together to solve problems. We can help to negotiate and this is often successful and cost effective. Sometimes, disputes can escalate. When that happens, we are here to advise and represent you robustly and to get you the best outcome.
A number of our cases have been high profile and are in the law reports. Some examples are shown below.
Employment Contracts
We are experts in advising employees about proposed contracts of Employment, including the enforceability of, among other things, restrictive covenants.
We also support business clients by drafting contracts for both small and large employers so that they are suited for their business needs and business philosophy.
Getting this right can be of benefit to the whole business.

Unfair & Wrongful Dismissal
We have a wealth of experience of advising and representing both employers and employees in unfair and wrongful dismissal cases all the way through from Early Conciliation with ACAS to the Employment Tribunal.
You may have insurance cover. If not, we will always look at whether the case can be pursued on a No Win No Fee basis and will prove the case vigorously for you.
Our expertise and experience means we have dealt with cases in both the Employment Appeal Tribunal and The Court of Appeal which have been reported.
We advise both employees and employers as to the procedures and pitfalls of redundancies. We have advised many employers in business restructures.
Settlement Agreements
Here at SBG we have extensive experience in advising Employees and Employers in relation to Settlement Agreements, the pros and cons of entering into these agreements and drafting them.

Disciplinary Procedures
At SBG we advise Employers how to safely and appropriate mitigate and run a disciplinary process from investigation of alleged misconduct to Disciplinary hearing and Appeal.
We advise employees how to deal with disciplinary action with a view to avoiding disciplinary sanctions including dismissal.
Grievance Procedures & Whistleblowing
At SBG we have the knowledge and skills to advise both Employers and Employees about how to operate a procedure so as to obtain a successful resolution of an Employee’s grievance and what constitutes a “protected act”, whether this amounts to whistleblowing and the consequences of whistleblowing.
Employment Tribunal
We regularly represent both Employers and Employees in the Employment Tribunal in relation to a variety of cases including Unfair Dismissal, Wrongful Dismissal, Unlawful Deduction from Earnings, Protected acts of Disclosure and all aspects of Discrimination.

Directors’ Duties
We have experience of advising both Companies and Individuals as to the duties of Directors including in relation to wrongful and fraudulent trading and as appropriate representing our clients in the Court in relation to breaches including obtaining of injunctive relief.
Service & Partnership Agreements
We advise upon and draft both Directors’ Service Agreements and Agreements for new start and existing Partnerships.
Discrimination & Equality
Here at SBG we believe that no individual should be treated less favourably due to race, religion or belief, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, ethnic or national origin, disability, marital/civil partnership status, pregnancy/maternity. We have extensive experience of advising and representing both Employers and Employees where it has been alleged that there has been discrimination in breach of The Equality Act 2010.

Adrian Charles Green LLB (Hons)
Our Employment team is led by Adrian Green, who has over 30 years’ experience in this specialist field and is well known for hie Employment Law expertise. He is sought after for his clear, no nonsense advice and strong advocacy.
Adrian’s expertise has resulted in a number of cases in the law reports.