Family Law

At Stachiw Bashir Green we understand that when family relationships break down, it’s hard for everyone, especially if there are children. We deal with family issues in a sympathetic way, aiming to be constructive and to deliver positive, cost effective solutions.
When appropriate we negotiate to get the best outcomes, but we also have the expertise and experience to give robust, authoritative advice and representation whenever it is necessary, and to take urgent firm action to protect our clients’ interests.
Domestic Violence
At Stachiw Bashir Green we believe in the right of individuals to thrive within their relationships without fear of being subject to violence, abuse or coercive or controlling behaviour by their partner or family. We have a gender neutral approach. We believe that everyone, whether male or female, deserves protection from domestic violence.
We have all the experience, skills and tools necessary to help provide that protection, including making urgent court applications where necessary. In some circumstances, court orders can be obtained without informing the other party first. We carefully listen to and analyse your concerns and circumstances and advise you and act accordingly. We are sensitive to your particular needs, whether they relate to mental or physical health and wellbeing, language, culture, religion or other needs.
We have connections with charities and other organisations that can provide additional support, such as Staying Put and Men Standing Up.
We are a Legal Aid provider and can assess whether you are eligible for Legal Aid.

Separation & Divorce or Dissolution of Civil Partnership
We have a wealth of experience as divorce solicitors, advising on all aspects of separation, with expertise in foreign and religious marriages and divorces. We sensitively take you through the process at this difficult time and have the knowledge to answer questions that many cannot. We are often called upon to correct advise that people have been given by others who do not have the same knowledge and experience.

Financial & Property Settlements
When couples divorce or go through civil partnership dissolution, either of them can seek a share of the other’s property and income. We have a vast wealth of experience in dealing with all the various kinds of issues which arise in these cases, from cases with no assets to high net worth cases; from cases where family members are claiming an interest in the home to cases where there is a pre nuptial or religious marriage agreement. We treat all these cases with equal care and attention, as they are all equally important to our clients and our clients are all equally important to us.
We carefully listen to your concerns and obtain the information we need to be able to give you the best advice. We aim to secure a settlement on the best terms available in the most cost effective way. If mediation is suitable, we will arrange that. If a settlement is not possible, we will represent you strongly in Court proceedings to achieve the best outcome. We have a great track record because we have the right knowledge and experience.
Disputes About Who Should Live In The Home
When it becomes impossible for couples or family members to live together, they are often able to agree who should stay in the family home until the long term issues are sorted out, but sometimes they cannot. In these situations, we can advise about the law, try to negotiate a solution and if that is not possible, we can represent you in Court to obtain a Court Order regulating who should occupy the home.
Sometimes this is linked to issues of domestic abuse or behaviour. If necessary, we will take emergency steps to resolve these issues.
Pre & Post Nuptial or Civil Partnership Agreements
These agreements are becoming increasingly popular, especially in situations where one person has significant assets before the marriage/civil partnership and want to protect those assets. Legally they are becoming increasingly enforceable. Though they cannot stop a Court becoming involved if one party insists on Court proceedings, most of the time people abide by them and if Courts are asked to decide on them, they will usually uphold them if the agreements follow certain guidelines. We have been advising on and drafting these for many years as the law has developed and have the skills and experience to put together an agreement to suit your needs before you take the step of getting married/entering a civil partnership.

Child Arrangements
When couples separate, they may need advice on what should happen to the children, including issues like who the children should live with, what time they should spend with the other parent or other relatives, who has parental responsibility, and other specific issues such as whether children can be taken abroad on holiday or permanently or whether their names can be changed.
Sometimes, disagreement means the Courts have to get involved.
We aim to negotiate appropriate solutions to these issues if possible, but if Court proceedings are needed, we will advise and represent you at Court to get the best outcome for you and your children – that is, the outcome that is in the children’s best interests.
Sometimes, it is necessary to make emergency applications to the Court to protect children, for example for Prohibited Steps Orders, to prevent them from being removed. We have years of experience in dealing with such issues to secure your children’s welfare.
Child Care Proceedings
When Local Authority Social Services believe that children are at risk of harm, they have to investigate. If this happens, it is traumatic for everyone involved. We are here to help you through that process, from aiming to resolve issues in the pre-proceedings phase, to providing you with advice and strong representation at Court if Court proceedings are taken by the Local Authority.

Riaz Arif Bashir LLB (Hons)
Our Family Law department is headed and supervised by Managing Partner, Riaz Bashir. Riaz has over 25 years of experience in all aspects of Family Law and is a longstanding member of the Law Society’s Family Law Panel (Advanced). He is particularly sought after for his experience in dealing with complex financial property cases including cases involving high value estates, foreign property and third party interests. He treats all cases, big or small, with the same attention, care and high level of service and commitment.
Riaz is also Director of Justice Bradford, the University of Bradford law clinic. He was appointed Assistant Professor in January 2023

Ameet Patel
Riaz is supported by Ameet Patel. Ameet is a solicitor whose main areas of interest in Family law are in children’s cases and protection from domestic violence. He is a formidable advocate who is known for fighting hard for clients’ rights in court.
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